
Participate in ongoing studies in our lab!

The “Battleship” Study

Participants ages 50-75 years old and patients with Parkinson’s Disease are needed!

The Bakkour Memory & Decision Lab at the University of Chicago is seeking healthy participants (ages 50-75) and patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease for a paid, 3-part decision-making study lasting between 4.5-6 hours in total.

Participation criteria:

  • Must be 50-75 years old
  • Must speak fluent English
  • Must have not had a serious head injury
  • Must not have a neurological or psychiatric disorder
  • Must not be currently taking medication/drugs for psychiatric reasons
  • Must have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing ability

To participate or to ask any questions, please email with “Battleship Study” as the subject line, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Anorexia Nervosa (AN) Brain Imaging Study

The Bakkour Memory & Decision Lab at the University of Chicago is seeking participants with and without a history of anorexia nervosa for a brain imaging research study.

Who is eligible?
To participate in this study, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Between the ages of 16–45
  • Able to speak and read English
  • No history of neurological disorder or serious head injury
  • No history of bipolar disorder, psychosis, or schizophrenia
  • Must have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing
  • Must be able to attend one or more in-person research visits in the Chicago area
  • Must have a current or past diagnosis of anorexia nervosa OR no history of eating disorders

What would you do in this study?

During your study visits, you will be asked to answer questions about your eating and exercise habits, mental health history, height and weight, and whether it would be safe for you to have an MRI scan. You may be asked to complete a medical screening that includes a blood draw. You will be asked to complete a decision-making task that involves rating different foods and choosing between different meal options. You may complete an MRI brain scan.

Will I be compensated for my participation?

You will be compensated $25/hour for MRI visits and $15/hour for all other visits.


If you are interested, please email with the subject line “ANVC study”. (edited)