Nov 29, 2023
We are growing the team to launch an NIMH-funded project aimed at uncovering the neural, cognitive, and computational mechanisms underlying subjective value construction that guide normative and maladaptive decision making. We are seeking to hire a postdoc and a study...
Oct 13, 2023
The Bakkour Memory and Decision Laboratory in the Department of Psychology (PI: Akram Bakkour) at the University of Chicago is seeking a full-time Cognitive Neuroscience Postdoctoral Researcher to join the team and head an NIH-funded project in collaboration with Dr....
Oct 12, 2023
Three PhD students in the Bakkour Lab traveled to Vancouver this October to present their ongoing research at the Society for Neuroeconomics (SNE) 2023 Conference. Check out their posters at this...
Mar 3, 2023
The lab is growing and we are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher and a full-time Research Assistant/Lab Manager to join the team! Applications are now being accepted (see below). Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until the...
Feb 23, 2023
We have a new paper out in Behavioral Research Methods in collaboration with friends and collaborators Dr. Kim Meidenbauer and Dr. Marc Berman! The paper’s title is “Characterizing the role of impulsivity in costly, reactive aggression using a novel paradigm”. You can...
Jan 20, 2023
We have a new paper out in Scientific Reports in collaboration with friend of the lab Dr. David Barack! The paper’s title is “Visuospatial information foraging describes search behavior in learning latent environmental features”. You can read the...